Saturday, September 1, 2018

Sweet Summertime Stateside

As you can obviously see, some time has passed and we are stateside now... until november!
Mila is almost ten months old, and Luca is a bilingual king. Why the hell is it so hard for me to update every month?! Ill get better at it I promise.
We have been here almost two month already. Marcos still in Greece, and won't be back home in Itlay till end of September. Then mid October we get him here!
Mila is anything but a calm, peaceful child. She is a mix between She screams when she doesn't get her way, and already has an attitude of a teenage girl. She is sassy, even though she can't talk, she hates just about everyone besides me, and loves to drive me insane. with that said, she melts you with that cheeky toothless (ok two teeth) smile, when she wrinkles her nose. You forget for a second what a disaster child she is. I am using PG language here, but you will understand once you meet here. She has no patience and loves to show it. She does on the other had love to eat, the boob and not sleeping.
Luca is the sweetest and SO patient with her! Even when she randomly smacks him... with her claws that I have to cut just about everyday. Her face lightens up tough a soon as she sees him. Then she proceeds to bite him.
She is 100% entertaining though. and I could kiss that perfect angelic face all day long, even when I know she is a little turd.  Lets just say she is VERY STRONG willed. she knows what she wants. Thats good right?! Help me lord!
hopefully next post will be less about Mila, or about how she sleeps through the night!!!!
Summer on the other hand has been deliciously sweet.
How is it already September?

hitching a ride along the bay on the old tractor Pops helped repair 

the intensity in this child

Gam and Mila at the lake

picnic at the cabin

watching pops cut down branches

before Sunday breakfast 

at the cabin

backyard s'more time

everyday. undies and forts

one of a million sleeping Mila pictures

creek stomping


my sweet boy does not want to cut his hair. therefore the bandana 

Luca is always looking for places to make fairy houses or bug shelters

steam engines

notice Luca is not touching the water in our backyard pool. there was a leaf in it, so therefore it was dirty. I swear that child has a rough life ahead of him...

sand crab, boy and beach

sleeping on Zia... on the beach. tough life

da ladies

Add caption

watching the waves 

no caption is really needed here

don't let that face fool you

i think she might be taking a sh*t

g'night Pops


zio and his leach

waiting for a picnic at the train museum

and again

after getting eggs at our friends farm

just give the baby a raw string bean


mountain life

Ada and Mila

napping with a view

our backyard while in the Adirondacks

off they go. 

whats summer without having sticky s'more hands before going to bed?

my potato


and lakes

back porch, everyday 

who doesn't like swings?

soaking it up

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