I just wrote a whole post, and turns out it wasn't saving as I wrote. SO instead of throwing my computer out the window, I calmly remind myself, worse things can happen, count my blessing and move on. Im obviously nit writing down all that I had before, because A. I don't remember, and B. frankly its a waste of time.
Basically I was writing about Luca (duh) and growing, and how (finally) he is diaper free and so ready to be. One month now and so easy!
I also wrote about September and Preschool.
A subject I want to write a whole post about (and hopefully not have to write it twice)
Luca and I are off to Switzerland tomorrow to see my Swiss relatives and Sophie. Marco has to work, but he is excited about his new work chapter so that make us all happy!
anyway not a very descriptive post, and I do apologize, but shit happens, so Im just rolling with it not in it!
Happy spring to all and my nest post will be soon!
he just peed in the lake. he wanted get the ducks. that little turdball |
walking a cat. and really proud of it |
a stick, water and a crocked finger. happy boy |
men and a castle. Bled, Slovenia |
right before he had a meltdown over a misplaces gnocchi. in his defence he was override from hiking and travelling. those damn gnocchi though always messing with you at the wrong time. |
a prince, his horse, er, bike and his park |
Venetian winters call for indoor parks. don't judge. you would do the same if its foggy, wet, grey and cold every darn day. |
so frickin excited |
cuties |
dates on playdates |
look at the view not my weird legs |
kid roads are genius |
i promise they were thrilled |
turdball |
outside the B&B in Bled |
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