So Here is a peek into such a mess (and I use that word very liberally) of pictures over the holidays. This will mostly be a post of images, and hopefully they will give you an idea of what we have been up to. And these pictures are only a pinch of the real deal, there are oh so many, and oh so many moment I remember with a smile.
Luca has made such progress in speaking and expressing himself. He even talks in english!! It happened so quick it amazed us all.
I will write a post soon about his progress and not progress (ie potty training).
I am now back home in Mestre and will write smaller more frequent posts, about our day to day life.
Ha! get ready, this might get boring!
But for now I hope you enjoy some images of my dolce vita.
I will be back soon
these pictures are not at all in any order. San Juan poolside and my boys |
Vieques after sunset |
shade and snack time |
my man. the sun. |
the man and the water are both very tempting |
patio in house number 1 in Esperanza |
random picture, random time, but always a sweet memorable moment |
I swear, these two and working out. |
second apartment in Esperanza |
last breakfast in San Juan:( |
Pops, Luca and Marco went to Port Discovery. and all three of them loved it. |
one of a million plane pictures |
my heart. I am so great at getting a shitty quality picture |
the house I grew up in. It will always have a special place in my heart |
morning "latte" |
geroge, er Marco |
on top of the fort in San Juan. when we were all the color of mozzarella |
esperaza |
just being sharks |
It was the perfect most uncomfortable chair |
yet another great quality picture. But the tree we are all sitting on is more than 300 hundred years old. so there. |
linda, out fierce watchdog |
wild horses. everywhere |
covered in bug spay and dreaming big |
always |
passed out on the hot loud ferry. |
cutest tapas place in San Juan |
on top of the fort, with my little soldier |
his view, wasnt that bad |
even got time to bowl. charm city style that is. |
cozy reading with aunt Becky back in Baltimore |
we left the day before it hit. and i was so mad. marco was not |
esperanza sun set |
macaroon buying in Venice |
my sous chef |
me and my darling guest |
christmas carousels |
Nonno in front of his work |
found the cutest spot hidden not far from our house in Mestre |
Christmas Piazza in Mestre |
airb&b in Hershey. December 23 and spring waether |
those hands |
bliss. our Hinderberger Family Christmas, a glimps into a cozy perfect yet very crappy quality picture |
these men |
does this really need a caption? |
and we are off to Puerto Rico! |
Zia and Luc in some sort of gate thing. I think |
how i would like to wake up everyday |
again. No caption needed |
starfish |
kissing in the jungle |
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