Saturday, October 3, 2020

Finding Serenity

 Finding peace in a time of chaos. Hoping for a brighter world, of light for us all.

behind our new house. there's beauty everywhere if you look carefully

first time COVID testing... waiting in line for 3+ hours with Mila. long story short. After two weeks of school someone got tested positive in her section. Her section closed for two weeks, all kids had to get tested. she was negative thank god

if monkeys were humans

day trip to the mountains. i could have sat there for hours and just stared. but i have kids...

chocolate teeth and dirty face. i love 

sometimes all it takes is some fresh mountain air

path behind the house continues

no caption needed

sneak peak

sneak peak 2

sneak peak of Luca's room


kitchen peak

oh the emotions 

old but gold friends

day trippin

these two

i seriously cannot get enough of that sweet little face

happy place 

and here

a bit of yard... more to see

traveling with kids solo... during a pandemic. i wont say anything else, besides that i survived

leaving the States after 5 months. it was hard, and it still is...

i dont eevem know why we tried

well, we tried

she is a queen, she is a diva she is my crazy Mila that I love insanely 

sweet summer evenings

thank god for pools

rare peaceful moments with this rascal

sibs. and yes im wearing Birks with socks. my feet were cold

mini baby shower COVID style


what Zio's are for

picnics with family

snowballs and smiles with these beauties

boardwalk through the woods behind my parents house to the village to get...

ice cream

bugs. its all about the bugs

and naked bellies 

and swimming in a cow troth 

snacks on Zia's new porch

they grew so much in 5 months

the one on the right is a pleasure to take roads trips with. said no one

wild and wonderful. west virginia


yoga with Becky


and then it rained

THAT is a Mila face

Zio always throwing kids in the air

the amount of times they went up and down that driveway in 5 months

it was like 100 degrees outside

two princesses playing in the dirt

so so so much lovin on baby Paige

when its not a pool day its a "hot dog" day

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