So here we are, back in Venice, and man was it a hard transition.
Wait hold on, let me just rant in a fast forward sort of way and in few words about our trip back to Italy. A complete shit show.
No okay, maybe not that few of words… We basically had to stay inside the airplane at Dulles for 6.5 hours because of a non functioning engine ( I mean, really!?) We were not allowed outside. Luckily the plane was literally empty and all the air hostesses were as chipper as they could be (even though they were going crazy too… we made many friends with them) By the time we departed it was about 5 am, Luca was SO confused to say the least, and slept the whole time we were taxied, but was very unsettled (do you say that) during the flight… which was 6.5 hours long!!! Do I need to say more? Yes… So obviously we missed our connecting flight, so we had to wait another 3 hours in the Brussels airport (which I have to make a note that Belgium, and its people, and its way of doing things is/are awesome, marco and I want to move there. Maybe.
Anyway we arrive in Venice at 11pm instead of 5pm. Luca, Marco and I were beyond any sort of tiredness. I woke up at 3am shaking and vomiting. Yes I cope with tiredness very drastically, luckily LB didnt wake up, and by the time he did I was feeling fine...
Luca took about a week to get over jet lag ,okay thats normal, but he would literally want to party at 3 am and Marco and I were NOT having it. I will admit that I would turn on Peppa Pig. I know, I know I'm all against screen time, especially before a year old, but I'm telling you, those nights where SO frickin rough.
On a brighter note, LB and his cutie pie second cousin Emerson |
We miss snow. Venice winters SUCK |
Play date with Athena |
Anyway after he finally stopped waking up to party, Marco and I wanted to do that happy dance because we could actually have an evening to ourselves and watch a movie (like old times) BUUUUT dear lord were we wrong, it just got worse WAY worse. So apparently LB decides to bud another tooth ( I mean seriously could he have better timing) and its not like he doesn't have enough, I still yet have to meet another 8 month old with 8 teeth. SO The Bean doesn't want to party at 3 am, but want to scream at 11 and 12 and 1 and 2 and 2:30 and 3 and 3:30 and… you get the point, he would wake up for a good week about on an average of 10 times at night. I was dying. I would tell Marco to go sleep in Lucas room because we needed at least one sane person in the morning. That didn't take much convincing, plus he doesn't have boobs. So after his tooth finally broke the gum, we could go through the night with 3 feeds instead of 10 or 11, so we are slowly getting back to normal. The next step is to put is crib in his own room. HA!
In times like these I just have to remind myself that he is a healthy boy and that it will pass. Things could be worse. And during the day he is such a ham, that you forget about the frustrating night.
Oh he also doesn't want to nurse to sleep anymore, at night or during the day, before a nap. During the day he really doesn't even want the boob anymore. I, in a way have to shove it on him because I need him to nurse, or my boobs will explode… I really thought that I was going to be the one to have to wean him off me, but I think it will be the other way around! My goal was around a year old, but my boy seems to be wanting to grow up way faster than I want him!
Lets get to milestones… LB waves, (or flaps) claps, (but only claps when you sing this weird clapping song in Italian) bops and bounces to any sort of music, even if its elevator music, crawls like a maniac (always in search of a rug or shoe to stuff in his mouth, plays peak-a-boo, (or cu'cu') and picks food up to feed himself (he has become Marco's son… he eats a lot)
I had to… First because my father never cooks and second because well I mean look at him:) Proud to be Swiss and his fondue skills |
family cuddles |
3 pretty awesome fellas |
Shawn and Kayla's wedding |
Road trip down south, Panera break, and no we did not give him any |
some hotel room in some place on the way to the wedding:) |
It's pretty awesome to watch your baby grow and learn right before your eyes, I swear they grow SO FRICKIN FAST!!! I feel like I he will be off to college (or not) the day after tomorrow!
On top of being a full on mamma, I/ we (Marco have been doing some home projects as well like...
curtains I made to cover his changing table and his diaper shelf (Luca is wearing jamies that Marco wore… 33 years ago) |
our kitchen floor during the process of re grouting |
AFTER, so fresh and so clean clean
Luca woke up last night with a snotty nose. Could this get any better? Yes, it's raining for a change. Lets have another 2 weeks straight of rain , naw? No, I will NOT complain:) Things really could be worse. Knock on wood. ON THAT NOTE… Happy days to you all and see you next week. I swear.
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