We are now in full winter. Our hands are cold, are hearts are warm, my body is exhausted, but my mind is at peace. I have been taking mental note of the littlest things and capturing them, savouring them, and giving thanks each day. Mila and Luca are growing so fast hitting milestone after milestone and sometimes I found myself too wrapped up in getting things done, and checking off my to do list that I don't even appreciate moments that pass and go. I stand back and look at myself from a different perspective. The sink can be cleaned tomorrow. Mila needs to nurse. And no, I don't care that she is 15 months old, she needs me. The pile of unfolded clothes can wait, without asking I know Luca needs my attention, play legos, do a puzzle, or sit and just talk.
Mila is a handful, a very intense handful, and requires my attention 90% of the day, or else she literally will tear books apart, break or rip anything she can get her hands on, or just whine on the top of her lungs. But what I have noticed, the more stressed I become, the more intense she becomes, sometimes all it takes is 5 minutes that I dedicate calmly and play with her, then she calms, and peace passes over the house. She also on the other hand is an absolute charmer. She adores Luca and is in love with Marco, cuddles and kisses all the time (with the occasional slap and bite). So as much as she drives us crazy at night (which is a lot) in the morning her smile (almost) makes you forgot everything. Her personality is coming through more and more each day, and we adore it.
Luca is also more and more patient with her each day. When he goes a day without seeing her, all he wants to do is hold and cuddle her. When she does not get her way, she usually slaps him or bites, but he as gotten so good about not screaming (poor boy!)
It is not easy raising kids, but its also a gift. A gift that we should never take for granted, and I truly thank my blessings every day, even the sleepless nights!
Here are some things we have been up to the last couple of months:
saturday pizza and movie night |
evening park runs |
first sleepover for my big boy at our neighbours house |
no caption needed |
our Mila proof tree |
SUCH a ham |
my sweet soul helping Mamma with dinner |
and "helping" making a cake |
our monkey |
an advent morning breakfast |
father and daughter |
a shot from christmas eve |
christmas morning |
no caption needed |
santa came! |
after first course of christmas lunch |
his favourite gift from santa |
photo bomber |
christmas day at Nonnas |
the church behind our house, and the famous Venetian winter fog |
friends at the piazza |
he lost his first tooth on new years eve day. |
starting the year off right |
quality time with Nonno |
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park with friends |
i do too much laundry! |
and the befana came too! |
venice lagoon |
my kind of meal |
a girl was introduced to ice cream, and it was love at first sight |
this boy truly has the sweetest most sensitive heart |
our living room has since kids, become their domain |
friends since birth |
snow bunnies |
Luca slayed his first ski lesson. |
thanksgiving kids corner |
Sappada |