This is us now. I could never have imagined in my wildest of dreams to be where I am now. To have what I have now. I am thankful beyond words to call this my life.
Mila came into our life bringing light and joy. Don't get me wrong, we had some adjusting to be done, but it was as if Mila was always meant to be. She fits so perfectly with us, and Marco, Luca and I are so filled with love for her that it feels like we could explode.
Luca. I was always so worried about him. worried that he would be replaced, worried that he wouldn't get enough attention, worried that he might close himself off.
He has truly been more than I could have wished for. He loves that baby girl so much, and knows when I have to pay her attention, and he never complained about her crying. We read stories or play quietly while I "milk" her. fortunately though, he is a very independent soul, and has no problem playing by himself. I always try and butt in and play with him when Mila is sleeping...
Luca has also become more attached to Marco. He has always been attached to me by the hip... when I go shopping, he goes, I took him to school, picked him up. I was with him ALL the time. It was hard to get him to go anywhere with Marco, just because Luca does not like "new" and anything out of the ordinary. But after Mila was born he looks for Marco and they have created such a beautiful bond. A bond that only a father and son can have. They both now have the confidence to go out and start new adventures. In a way it makes me sad, not because of the bond, but because Luca is growing up so fast, and slowing becoming more "boy" and less baby.
But whenever I feel sad, I just remind myself that Marco and I created and are raising not one, but two beautiful human beings that will hopefully show kindness, respect and love. Because lord knows we need that in this world.
In my next post I want to write about my birth story and how it all went down. until then, a presto!
last picture of baby bump Mila |
last picture I took of Luca as an only child. At his Saint Martins festival at school. The day before Mila was born. 10 hours after this picture was taken this boy became a big brother |
first picture of our Mila Skye |
how chubby was she!!! our round pumpkin. |
gam and her first granddaughter |
Luca meets his little sister for the first time. He was scared of her (Luca is scared of everything...besides chocolate) but couldn't stop smiling |
fuzzy bear |
such peace |
getting used to our new life |
thank goodness for Gams |
a pea in a pod |
Milan's first days earthside |
prepping for Thanksgiving. So much to be thankful for... |
our first of many naps together |
pure joy... on Lucas part... |
Mila's first bath. she prefers showers with Papa'. |
stealing hearts |
who else hates socks on babies?! |
this outfit is about 35 years old... made by my sweet Grossmi |
how we do shopping |
this boy and his puzzles |
naps are contagious in our house |
christmas markets in the piazza |
Luca in his Christmas performance at his school. Cannot say he loved it. no smiling for this boy. he couldnt wait to get the hell off the stage |
how iceskating works around here... |
eating babies... i mean lunch |
his fascination with watching things baking |
building fires with Papa'. probably illegally |
perfect holiday picture? not gonna happen. this boy though and his huge heart. |
passing out presents on christmas eve... |
chrtsmas morning. and yes santa did come. |
christmas day foolishness |
Mamma, Papa', Mila, and Luca... waiting for Santa... made by yours truly |
our butterball |
winter days and walks on the beach |
new years day. we all went to bed around 9. |
wide eyed and ready |
these babies and their silly faces |
before going to bed, he sometimes picks doing a puzzle over bedtime story... this one took 2 evenings. but he did it all by himself |
i could kiss that face literally all day, and do nothing else at all. |
eyes |
2.5 months and awkwardly smiling |