Saturday, December 28, 2013

Happy Holidays and Luca's Take on Food

I gotta make this one short. Short but sweet. I keep meaning to post, but I swear, these days if I get 5 minutes of free time I'm a lucky Mamma.
First off, Happy holidays from us to you!!
We had a great Christmas Eve at Marcos Mom's house and Christmas morning at our house, than we went over to Marco's Dads for the day. Luca loves paper, So he was in seventh heaven with all the wrapping paper. Problem was he wanted to eat it all, so he would get very pissed as soon as we took it away. He could have cared less for the actual present. No satisfaction what so ever. Duh, what do you expect from a 7 month old:)
We have also been very busy with parties and getting ready for the States in 5 days!!! ANYWAAAY I'll write as soon as I get to that part of the world, and tell you ALL about our travels (I don't really want to think about traveling with him, on our lap, oh dear lord he is not an infant anymore that we can shove in a bassinet and he'll sleep 8 hours, ohhhhh if only!
Moving oooooon. Luca and weaning. So I was all about the whole baby led weaning, but Luca at first was not at all. He would take whatever I put in front of him and squeeze the hell out of it, even if he managed by accident to get something in his mouth, he didnt understand that it was him putting it in his mouth. So I though, he'll get it soon, maybe he's just not ready. Hmmm, no. No because If i put something in his mouth he would get totally into it and want more, he literally couldn't do it himself. So I got all into making foods for him. All kinds, and then freezing them. Perfect solution. Wellllllll, with his million teeth that came in, he would't eat. He even hardly nursed, the poor poor was in pain (as was I, for my boobs where waay too full, but someone, we got through it without pumping…) Luca would go through phases of loving food, not wanting anything to do with it, and pooing. He also had a hard transition from not so solid poos to solid ones. Sorry, but the poor poor would turn red in the face from trying to push so hard, I was afraid he'd give himself a hernia. He hasn't so far. Thank gawd! okay so fast forward to one day while we were at a party of a daughter of our friends, I hadn't given him lunch yet, and he was very interested in the buffet in front of him, and curious with all the hand going from food to mouth, so I have him a piece of bread with cheese. He took it and gobbled it up, with those tiny but many teeth. I than gave him pieces of popcorn. The same thing. Than a cracker. And so on… He never once gaged and would get upset when I wasn't fast enough with giving him pieces. I have always been so afraid of him chocking, but he has really got the whole chewing thing down, and ebjoys pieces of food. Now I think we can try the baby led way. Ill give you an update once settled in the States:) Till than cheers:)

Sunday, December 15, 2013


What have we been up to?? UP and down and side to side. LB has been all over the place with his mouthful of teeth. We have been UP most of the time, as in night and day. The poor bean has three teeth coming in, and I think I saw another on on top, but I might be imagining it… or not. So the two front ones have come out, he has one vampire tooth as well, and three on the bottom. Yes a mouthful. Its not normal.

our ham

watching Papa' playing tennis
But finally his snotty nose and screaming at night as slowly come to an end (hold on while I knock on wood) but now he wants snuggles more than ever, its hard to leave him alone for more than 5 seconds or he freaks out, like some monster just jumped out and smacked him… 5 seconds later I have him in the ergo, and hes haming away.
Other than his monster mouth and dramatic attitude, we also had  a "Welcome to the World Party" for the bean last sunday with family and friends at a cute restaurant not far from us. Luca most of the time as a pooper because of his damn teeth, but he still charmed the hell out of everyone…
welcome Luca

always something in his mouth


party favors I made out of a clothes pin, wooden bead, and two different sized popsicle sticks= airplane. DUH. gotta love pinterest

The 5 minutes I have for myself I try to be productive. So I make curtains. Why not. In our room, we had these curtains that my dear mother in law made, but they just reminded e too much of well, a 50 some year old Italian womans house. For the last 5 years I have been wanting to change them. So finally I got my bum down to the fabric shop, and Ikea and put/sewed together this...
before… welcome to Italy hon
better, just terrible lighting
Next on the to do list is a crib bumper, and knitting projects. Ill ;et you know when I get started on that, in 2015. Okay hopefully before the end of this year… gotta go, because tomorrow morning we have playgroup, and I don't want to look like death, cause who knows how many times I will wake up tonight… Ohhh but I do love that Bean!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bring It On Winter

We are welcoming the winter with wide open arms. Being able to cozy up in the house and find distractions for Luca (aka things to put in his mouth) while I rediscover sewing, (Luca loves watching the sewing machine while he shoves some toy in his mouth), start knitting projects, baking, and finding new recipes to tackle, and of course bundling up and taking walks to the market, or doing arrends. We are lucky that we live walking distances to pretty much everything we want. We have also been taking early evening walks with Marco when he gets home from work. For me the more outdoor time Luca gets the better, even if its 3 degrees celsius. LB has a cold, and has his 4th tooth coming in (I swear he's half dinosaur), so of course the advice of close family here (I wont name names) is too keep him in and out of the cold. For me, I would go crazy all day inside so I i just assume so would any other human bring, even if its only 6 months old. So what do I do, bundle him up and we run outside, LB usually falls asleep after 10 minutes too ( SO much of a change since he was born, now he LOVES the stroller, don't get me wrong we use the Ergo sometimes as well, but to tell you the truth, he likes the stroller better now, hmmmm)

evening walk to the old military fort down the road from our house (which is now a park)
SO we just got back from a perfect weekend in the german part of Italy with friends. We got to breath the nice mountain air, buy, some crap from the christmas Markets (can I just tell you how much I am obsessed with christmas markets) swim in thermal baths, (which Luca LOVED so much that afterwards he literally passed while I was dressing him) yummy (and disgustingly buttery wonderful) Austrian food, and of course good friends…
Whats in store for this weekend? Saturday christmas decorating and tree lighting, with of course awful christmas music, you HAVE to have the christmas music (Marco has already warned me he is pretty close to deleting all the christmas tunes (jeez what a grinch right! I mean who doesnt like extremely loud christmas music. all. day.) We also have Lucas Welcome to the World party on sunday. Ill tell you all about it next week.
I also will write about my job, my part time, part time english teaching job. Yea thats for another post. So on that note, buon weekend a tutti!
My little ham and his second cousins