Saturday, December 28, 2013

Happy Holidays and Luca's Take on Food

I gotta make this one short. Short but sweet. I keep meaning to post, but I swear, these days if I get 5 minutes of free time I'm a lucky Mamma.
First off, Happy holidays from us to you!!
We had a great Christmas Eve at Marcos Mom's house and Christmas morning at our house, than we went over to Marco's Dads for the day. Luca loves paper, So he was in seventh heaven with all the wrapping paper. Problem was he wanted to eat it all, so he would get very pissed as soon as we took it away. He could have cared less for the actual present. No satisfaction what so ever. Duh, what do you expect from a 7 month old:)
We have also been very busy with parties and getting ready for the States in 5 days!!! ANYWAAAY I'll write as soon as I get to that part of the world, and tell you ALL about our travels (I don't really want to think about traveling with him, on our lap, oh dear lord he is not an infant anymore that we can shove in a bassinet and he'll sleep 8 hours, ohhhhh if only!
Moving oooooon. Luca and weaning. So I was all about the whole baby led weaning, but Luca at first was not at all. He would take whatever I put in front of him and squeeze the hell out of it, even if he managed by accident to get something in his mouth, he didnt understand that it was him putting it in his mouth. So I though, he'll get it soon, maybe he's just not ready. Hmmm, no. No because If i put something in his mouth he would get totally into it and want more, he literally couldn't do it himself. So I got all into making foods for him. All kinds, and then freezing them. Perfect solution. Wellllllll, with his million teeth that came in, he would't eat. He even hardly nursed, the poor poor was in pain (as was I, for my boobs where waay too full, but someone, we got through it without pumping…) Luca would go through phases of loving food, not wanting anything to do with it, and pooing. He also had a hard transition from not so solid poos to solid ones. Sorry, but the poor poor would turn red in the face from trying to push so hard, I was afraid he'd give himself a hernia. He hasn't so far. Thank gawd! okay so fast forward to one day while we were at a party of a daughter of our friends, I hadn't given him lunch yet, and he was very interested in the buffet in front of him, and curious with all the hand going from food to mouth, so I have him a piece of bread with cheese. He took it and gobbled it up, with those tiny but many teeth. I than gave him pieces of popcorn. The same thing. Than a cracker. And so on… He never once gaged and would get upset when I wasn't fast enough with giving him pieces. I have always been so afraid of him chocking, but he has really got the whole chewing thing down, and ebjoys pieces of food. Now I think we can try the baby led way. Ill give you an update once settled in the States:) Till than cheers:)

Sunday, December 15, 2013


What have we been up to?? UP and down and side to side. LB has been all over the place with his mouthful of teeth. We have been UP most of the time, as in night and day. The poor bean has three teeth coming in, and I think I saw another on on top, but I might be imagining it… or not. So the two front ones have come out, he has one vampire tooth as well, and three on the bottom. Yes a mouthful. Its not normal.

our ham

watching Papa' playing tennis
But finally his snotty nose and screaming at night as slowly come to an end (hold on while I knock on wood) but now he wants snuggles more than ever, its hard to leave him alone for more than 5 seconds or he freaks out, like some monster just jumped out and smacked him… 5 seconds later I have him in the ergo, and hes haming away.
Other than his monster mouth and dramatic attitude, we also had  a "Welcome to the World Party" for the bean last sunday with family and friends at a cute restaurant not far from us. Luca most of the time as a pooper because of his damn teeth, but he still charmed the hell out of everyone…
welcome Luca

always something in his mouth


party favors I made out of a clothes pin, wooden bead, and two different sized popsicle sticks= airplane. DUH. gotta love pinterest

The 5 minutes I have for myself I try to be productive. So I make curtains. Why not. In our room, we had these curtains that my dear mother in law made, but they just reminded e too much of well, a 50 some year old Italian womans house. For the last 5 years I have been wanting to change them. So finally I got my bum down to the fabric shop, and Ikea and put/sewed together this...
before… welcome to Italy hon
better, just terrible lighting
Next on the to do list is a crib bumper, and knitting projects. Ill ;et you know when I get started on that, in 2015. Okay hopefully before the end of this year… gotta go, because tomorrow morning we have playgroup, and I don't want to look like death, cause who knows how many times I will wake up tonight… Ohhh but I do love that Bean!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bring It On Winter

We are welcoming the winter with wide open arms. Being able to cozy up in the house and find distractions for Luca (aka things to put in his mouth) while I rediscover sewing, (Luca loves watching the sewing machine while he shoves some toy in his mouth), start knitting projects, baking, and finding new recipes to tackle, and of course bundling up and taking walks to the market, or doing arrends. We are lucky that we live walking distances to pretty much everything we want. We have also been taking early evening walks with Marco when he gets home from work. For me the more outdoor time Luca gets the better, even if its 3 degrees celsius. LB has a cold, and has his 4th tooth coming in (I swear he's half dinosaur), so of course the advice of close family here (I wont name names) is too keep him in and out of the cold. For me, I would go crazy all day inside so I i just assume so would any other human bring, even if its only 6 months old. So what do I do, bundle him up and we run outside, LB usually falls asleep after 10 minutes too ( SO much of a change since he was born, now he LOVES the stroller, don't get me wrong we use the Ergo sometimes as well, but to tell you the truth, he likes the stroller better now, hmmmm)

evening walk to the old military fort down the road from our house (which is now a park)
SO we just got back from a perfect weekend in the german part of Italy with friends. We got to breath the nice mountain air, buy, some crap from the christmas Markets (can I just tell you how much I am obsessed with christmas markets) swim in thermal baths, (which Luca LOVED so much that afterwards he literally passed while I was dressing him) yummy (and disgustingly buttery wonderful) Austrian food, and of course good friends…
Whats in store for this weekend? Saturday christmas decorating and tree lighting, with of course awful christmas music, you HAVE to have the christmas music (Marco has already warned me he is pretty close to deleting all the christmas tunes (jeez what a grinch right! I mean who doesnt like extremely loud christmas music. all. day.) We also have Lucas Welcome to the World party on sunday. Ill tell you all about it next week.
I also will write about my job, my part time, part time english teaching job. Yea thats for another post. So on that note, buon weekend a tutti!
My little ham and his second cousins

Monday, November 25, 2013

keeping up with the Little Bean

A quick update on the Little Bean…
We are now almost 6 months (thursday he'll be half a year… what the h*ll??????) We are so excited though that he has been growing like a champ. He has three teeth now, and tries to have conversations with you, which basically consists of him squeaking until you pitch in and start squeaking too, than it just goes on forever.
I signed Luca and myself up for mamma baby class. Basically a place where babies can scream/play/fart/ etc together and the moms vent to each other, of course there is an instructor who answers questions from; "is it okay if my daughter chewed on my shoelace?" to when can I start giving my son 3 month old ice cream?" No judgement.
Marco and I will also start going to the local heated pool with Luca once a week. I am very curious to see how the Bean will react to water (besides his beloved tub), besides being a bean, he is also part piggy and part monkey, neither of which swim. Hmmm. Ill let you all know.
Luca and I have also been having massage class with y neighbor, sometimes it involves having him naked, so of course LB is in seventh heaven and giggles the whole time shoving his toes in his mouth and pulling his little little bean. And then of course peeing. Twice. When I say he's half monkey and half pig, I am not kidding. He also loves peeing in the tub, as soon as you put him in, without fail.
I cant wait to start getting ready for the holidays here, the weather is getting crisp, and I can't wait for the christmas markets. It will be sad, but also nice to celebrate the holidays here this year, I'll miss having christmas back in the States, but will be there right after the new year. I am dreading though the flight, now that Luca is not a newborn, and an actual human, he will realize how much flying actually sucks. Ill have Marco with me so phew. Sort of.
Anyway we are off to a gettaway with our friends this weekend so ill get back next week on another post, to either bore, or excite you;)
Marco and Grandpa are hoping this Bean will be the next Federer? Lets start with a smaller  ball

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Starting on Solids…. Slowly

So here we are at just over 5 months… Too early to start weaning? Well that what I thought. Some parents/people would say you should already start at 4 months (which to me is waaay to early, but again, thats just me) I also heard the longer you wait, the chances are of having food allergies is less… So of course being me, I had it all planned out that when Luca hit the 6month  mark, I would slowly introduce him to solids, by letting him discover the flavors/ textures by himself. Aka baby led weaning…
So why am I starting now. Because Luca is a freak of nature. He got his first tooth just after he turned 4 and a half month, then right after that his second, but on the bottom. Then he discovered sitting. He sits now with full confidence by himself. Again, what do all those signs have to do with him staring on solids? My father. I basically trust him 100% on everything (well ALMOST everything) When it comes to health, and medical things he is the one I go to. He told me that Luca had all the signs of a baby that was ready to start eating. PLUS he literally begged for food. Marco and I always put him in his Tripp Trapp when he eat, and we give him some sort of toy (or one of our cloth napkins, the poor boy) to chew on and keep him happy. Well that didn't last long, he would start reaching for our food and start chewing! I swear. So we decided to buy him this Nuby toy thing that you put chopped fruit or veggies in and he can chew or suck on. Wow that changed his world, he would get so into it that he would growl. Yes growl. (when I say freak, I mean freak). ANYWAY so when he hit 5 month, on the dot I mashed up some carrots and fed it to him. At first he would act like we poisoned him, and make a horrid face and gag dramatically, and than he would get bored and preferred to chew on his plate rather than eat the food. So I am not pushing him, and I am not giving him 3 "meals" per day just a taste here and there of new favors mango, avocado, carrot, peas, rice, pear, broccoli… etc. he favorite is avocado.
When he hits 6 months I will start putting things in front of him, and letting him stuff his face. I don't want to make it so it's an obsession, I don't want to force anything too. If he wants to eat he'll show me… I am also very fortunate that I have milk, so I take 100% advantage of it.
LB is growing rapidly so I am not worried that he is not getting enough to eat, I also plan on nursing him until he is 1, obviously not as his primary food source though. It's an adventure like everything else that come with having a baby and you learn more each day.
my pumpkin with a pumpkin and aunty Giovanna

first time food. Carrots

this is wat I wake up to every morning. (can you see his teeth? He is very protective of them , and doesn't like to show them off)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Teething and Sitting and Fun Oh MY!

Here I am again, No it is not Monday like I said, but somehow every monday I'm busy or in a different country. So last Mamma Monday my dear college roomie Hannah from UVM came from South Africa to stay with us for a short week, it was fabulous to have her here, quick but sweet. Luca decided to bud his first tooth while she was there. 4 and a half month. Whaaaaat, right? Well quickly after that he budded (do you eve say that) his second tooth. He has not (knock on wood) had any symptoms though of teething. He still is an awesome sleeper (double knock on wood) and is lets say almost always a very pleasant baby…
 Right before we left for Croatia about two weeks ago,  randomly put his fat bum on the bed and he sat like that, all proud of himself for a LONG time. Eventually I pushed him (he was on the bed) and he fell, and got very pissed (rightly so I guess, but lawd does that boy have an attitude). Now he is smarter than me and figured out that by putting his and down it stops him from falling. Now by 5 months (yesterday was his 5 month mark) he is totally rocking sitting up on his own. He loves toys and grabbing crap from people. If you take it away he gives you a mouthfull. Thank god he cant talk, or else I'd be terrified of what he would be saying.
We just got back visiting our friends in Mali Losijn, it was a perfect week long vacation, the weather was warm and the company was perfect. Croatia is truly a beautiful country. Luca got a lot of rays of vitamin D and we found out he is terrified of bathtubs (we forgot to bring his own that he LOVES) and little girls. By little girls I mean baby girls, ones that shriek. It happened more than once that he looks at the cute little shrieky Croatian baby and bursts into tears. Not only do I have a boy with an attitude, but a total wimp. Ha I can't wait for these next couple of years. But god do I love him. He is a ball of sunshine and he NEVER fails to make me laugh. I mean who wakes up from sleeping with a huge smile on his face. such a freak. and I'm in love with him. So is Marco. We can't get enough of him. I'm sure all parents say that. 
Next week I will post about his first "solid" foods!!
the fam in Croatia

laughs on Nonna

I want a chocolate bar, and my Mamma shoves this in my hand

LB looks like a pinhead compared to Mattia

I. Want. To. Shove. It. In. My. Mouth.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Back in the Rhythm of Life

Here I am again, and I am now slowly putting a rhythm on our daily life, a routine we roughly stand by. We are back in Italy, and things are going great. Luca really is a SUPER great baby, I haven't had to pull my hair out yet (just cut it:)
Luca takes two and a half naps per day (morning, afternoon, evening) one of those naps are about 2 hours the others are about 45 min or so… He wakes up around 6, nurses and goes back to sleep until about 9ish… he plays either in his rocker or blanket while I do chores, and then around 11 hes ready for nap number 1… nurses, sleeps, than wakes up around noon, we play together, go out (each day that changes) and than he ready for nap number 2 around 1ish, he nurses, sleeps until about 3ish, and than we are off for another outing (again each day it changes, mostly we walk to places, but if the weather is crap than we take the car, we leave the house at least twice per day, either for an outing or for just a walk…) around 6 hes goes down for another nap, nurses, sleeps, and wakes up around 7. Bathtime (which btw he is OBSESSED with, and with the STOKKE scoop we dont even have to hold him)…
We all eat together at the table, well Luca sits in his Tripp Trapp, and plays with Sophie la Giraffe. Around 8-9 he goes back down to sleep for the night, he wakes up only once around 2ish to nurse, but than falls alseep in his crib. 
Yes we do not cosleep anymore, we have his crib right near my side of the bed, so when he wakes up at night I just swing him right over and he nurses right back to sleep. Its great because he sleeps right near us, but we dont have to worry about squashing him at night, he sleeps great too!
We still cloth diaper too, but I am not a freak about it, disposables are not the devil, so when we are on the go I stick his little hiney in the disposables and it all works out great. I'm not crunchy enough to be 100% dedicated…
Another question was to pacify or not… well Luca answered that with a big HELL NO! He seriously thinks they are a joke, or that your killing him, and he dramatically starts gagging. Yes we have given up, and I am happy this way, in the long run, I wont have to worry about him with a binkey in his mouth at 6 years old…  
Luca loves I mean LOVES making farting noises with his mouth, he also loves pigs, stuffing his fists in his mouth, he thinks Swiss German is hilarious, and little old ladies. Oh and he loves being naked too. He has discovered his little manhood. He grabs it and than smiles. I swear that boy.
He is getting better with his stroller, but still prefers the Ergo. Car seats are very iffy.
He hates getting his clothes on (dear lawd the winter is going to be great fun)
Other than that (and even when he gets mad and angry) he is great fun, it is amazing to see him grow, and learn each day, he is such a curious little monkey, and Marco and I are obsessed with him, but I guess thats what comes with becoming a parent:)
Here are some highlights of life and our recent trip to Switzerland
future captain?

kisses before dinner, and alllllllll the time:)

LB meeting Grossmi for the first time

Second cousins in the glider

view behind my aunts house

Ferry ride across the Lake of Zurich 

Grandpa playing for the Bean

LB all tucked in for a stroll along the Aare to Aarau
So I will be trying to write a new post every monday, I'll call them my mommy monday blog:)

Monday, August 19, 2013

keeping up with Life

Hello! So I feel like I am always apologizing for not posting, so I am not going to anymore because starting from when I get back to Italy I want to TRY to post every week. Posting everything month makes it very difficult to write all thats been happening. We're going to try something new…
Lets try to make this short but sweet:)
On June 11, my mom (Luca's Nana) Luca and I  traveled to the states together, through Paris, arriving in Philly, then a car ride to Baltimore. Luca was amazing, and no I am not justing saying that because I am his mother. He is a born traveler, which is amaaazing because so far while in the states we have traveled multiple times to Pennsylvania to visit family, then to Vermont for a wedding, and now we are in Jackson Wyoming visiting my Zio Elias, and hopefully buffalo, Elk, grizzlies (maybe not too close) and moose! We also flew into Salt Lake City (weird city, but REALLY clean, seriously we almost pitched a picnic on a parking garage floor) and then rented a car and went on to Idaho and now Wyoming.

Luca is growing each day (duh) what I mean is he is becoming more "human" and by that I mean, creating new little habits, like his newest coolest most talented habit is blowing spit bubbles. He loves farting, sneezing ( no I am not kidding he actually smiles each time he does either of them, besides when he made himself cry when he farted too loud, yes I have a little wimp on my hands) smashing his hands in his mouth, punching his face, sleeping next to mamma, (another blog I'll save that for another blog post) mamma's left boob, shaking him (no I am not an abusive parent) which makes him shriek with laughter (so damn cute), staring at trees, oh and kicking and scratching really hard. Will Marco kill me (probably not because he doesnt read my blog. ever.) that 98% (well besides the kicking, punching and scratching part, he grew out of that thankfully)of what Luca does he takes after his dad?

What Luca hates:sleeping on his back, a car that is not moving, cold (ANYTHING that is cold) pacifiers (another blog post), being held like a baby (he does not like to be cradled) having mamma take showers (the little brat made me cut ALL, well almost all my hair off, I guess it was inevitable, ya know   I am a mom now, no time for washing hair right?) disposable diapers (actually he couldnt care less, I hate them, cloth diapers NEVER leak, and you never have poo disasters, cloth diapering is also another blog post subject… ohhhhh goody aren't you getting excited?)
So many people ask me who he looks more like. I say, he looks like a baby. I have no idea, I don't see anyone but Luca, sometimes I even forget he's my son, just a baby that I am with 24/7 and infatuated with. He has dark eyes (the color is a mix of about all colors imaginable) was born with black hair (now he has this ridiculous monk hairstyle (never will be cool, sorry Luca) but now its getting so blond, he definitely has mediterranean skin though. oh the wonders of what he will look like. We'll keep him either way:)
It will be a bittersweet goodbye to Nana and Grandpa, Zio, and Zia and of course all his aunties, but we cant wait to see Papa`/ Marco. He will not believe how much little bean has grown, skyping does no justice!
Heres all for now, but I promise I will keep up with annoying baby blogs:)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


So exactly 3 weeks later I get a chance to write again, I might have 5 takes, but heres a start...
We are ecstatic to announce the birth of our angel (seriously) of a baby boy, Luca Benz. It is most definitely a different life now, but we wouldn't change it for the world. DUH.
about 5 hours old

me looking like death, but happy as ever
 I wanted to write this post about my birth experience, because it was absolutely phenomenal (even the nurses said it was a rare labor and birth story...
So it all started on the night of May 27 at 9pm, when I took two spoonfuls of castor oil. (recommended by my doctor who had been following me on my post due dates check ups... I was going on 8 days overdue) I really had low hope for this oil, I didn't think it would work at all, I was convinced that LB was having the time of his life in my womb, and just didn't want to present himself to the world... Anyway I took it, and went along with my night routine, dishes, shower, in bed with a book or movie, this night, some documentary on polar bears was on tv, very interesting. I get into bed around 11:30 with absolutely no labor signs ( I had no idea what a contraction was, I hadn't had any all 9 months), but than around midnight I started to feel a bit crampy, so I told Marco, and he jumped out of bed almost knocking his head on the book shelf, ready to pull on jeans over his boxers. I nicely convinced him to lay his ass down and stay calm, I was NOT in labor. Man was I wrong. I got out of bed around midnight because I was just really uncomfortable in bed, and I called my mom who was hosting some memorial day pick nick at her house. She told me not to worry and go back to bed, I would know when  I needed to go to the hospital, maybe in the morning? What did that mean? I had no idea, so I just said ok, and I'd call her when I had new news...
Well I had new news after ten minutes, so much news I could't even call her, Marco had to explain to my mom that I was rolled in a ball on the floor in pain. Oh lawd the pain, it happened so fast that I was in shock. Literally in shock, I couldn't even make a sound (and that lasted all throughout my labor and birth, I am such a weirdo) Marco somehow pulled together two shoes that matched (my american flag converse lowtops), and stuffed my feet in them, oh and I didn't even worry about getting out of my jammies, this was not the time to be a fashion police... Marco grabbed my hospital bag and LB's and my breast feeding pillow (which somehow was the only thing that got brought into the hospital, Marco, a breastfeeding pillow aka a Boppy, and I, oh poor  Marco he was so confused)
Soooo Boppy, Marco and I stumble into the emergency room, where I was greeted by a wheelchair. My name was already registered in the hospitals computer, so in two seconds I was wheeled to the delivery room, the whole time, people where staring at me, probably thinking, thank god thats not me. With every contraction my whole body was a shaking mess, I would have stared too. But at that point I didn't care if I was naked in front of Berlusconi. I was in too much pain. Once in the labor ward, or whatever it was I was checked out immediately by a midwife, and was already 6cm dilated. It was around 1:30am. Basically I went from 0 to 6cm dilated in 1 hour. Oh wait it gets better. Marco comes in (after getting the rest of my crap from the car to my room) and doesnt even bother to ask how I am, but asks if I want to talk to my mom. I wanted to talk to no one. I wanted to be in a peaceful hole. Midwife comes in again after about 30 min and checks me again. Midwife says I was 10 cm dilated. Ready to push. Caty (just remembered her name, such a sweet woman) asked me if I had the urge. Oh Caty, there was no way in hell that I was pushing anything out of anywhere. I had no urge in the last bit. I think I mumbled something in some language, that was not understood by anyone, let alone by me. Marco at this point shoves a cell in my ear telling me to talk to my mother. I did, well, sort of, I managed to get the phone to my ear, and than BAM, I felt this REALLY weird sensation that something had to get out of me. Well my water broke while on the phone with my mother, I throw hand, well, throw the phone at Marco while he looks in awe (or was it disgust) at me, and runs to sweet midwife Caty. Sweet Caty tells me we have to go to the delivery chair, I was thinking homegirl, there is no way I am moving from this position (I have no idea how some woman have to urge to walk around with each contraction, that was the last thing in the world I wanted to do. Anyway I don't tell her homegirl, and I oblige. we scuffle to the chair. A red odd looking thing with huge arm rest bars. Apparently I was to give birth in it. And oddly enough it was even comfortable.
Now we are into phase 2? 3? I don't even know, but it was around 2ish am and I was ready to push with every contraction. OHHH wait I forget to mention, like you all know, along with people I don't know, I wanted to have an all natural birth, so we are talking nothing attached to me, no needles, nothing. Well even if I wanted to, it all went so fast, I couldn't have an epidural even if I wanted to, AAND it was at an hour where they didn't give them. whaaaat, right? I had my whole birth planned from my essential oils,  homeopathic remedies, to the birthing tub. Well I could forget about all of it, LB   was on his way, and fast (apparently he hates castor oil) only thing I managed to do was chug water with my rescue remedy drops in it. Poor Marco was chugging it as well. Marco, that guy needs to get the husband award of the year he was so patient, and didn't even faint (even after seeing LB come out, which I told him NOT to look)
um where were we... OH yes, so my natural bum and I get onto this red chair and I start pushing, and pushing and pushing and pushing... you get the point, but during this whole pushing time I could actually put my two cents in once in a while and have a somewhat pleasant conversation with sweet Caty (lord knows what I was saying, but anyway, the contractions where fifty billion catrillion times worse than the pushing) so times goes by and basically to fast forward Luca Benz was born at 4:27 am on May 28, 2013 (Im skipping over his head coming out, because that would involve too many bad words BUUUT I swear to you, the whole time I did not utter one yelp, scream or cry, I was so in my world, that the Pope could have came in to visit me in a thong and I would not have opened my eyes) Luca came out and I was still in shock, so was Marco, it was something that words cannot describe. as cheesy as that sounds, its so true. He came out 52cm, and 3.47 kilos, sort of average. He was pink as a piggy, and sort of looked like one too. We were in love. Marco and midwife # 2 take Luca away to bath and swaddle him. I get examined and all that jazz. I'll save you the TMI part (you know mammas what I'm talking about the after birth, which btw Caty wanted to know if I wanted to see my placenta, I kindly said no f$%#ing way... and fast forward a bit)
Luca gets placed in my arms and looks like a cross between an eskimo mummy and a monkey. We fall asleep together. I wake up with Marco staring at us but with a huge grin. He had already taken 500 pictures. Me looking like death, and LB looking mike monkey mummy. You know the pictures you frame and put in your entrance wall.
Im skipping stuff but, anyway our sweet monkey was finally born and we were so ridiculously happy. Then starts the 50 million phone calls and texts and facebook messaging, welcome to 2013 LUCA!
Luca started breastfeeding as if he had done it thousands of times before.
We get let out of the hospital 1 day early, it was lovely, but my experience at the hospital was a dream they were all so great there. I sort of missed it when I went home.
A day later, I felt like ten trucks ran over me, and than dumped asphalt all over my body. I was a complete mess, my boobs were exploding, and well, you know the rest. Lets just say giving natural birth to a big headed boy is no walk in the park.
with that I say, a presto, and really I will become better at posting regularly...

with uncle Pietro

first walk in the park

I swear he put himself in this position

just like Nonno

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Are we there yet?

HELLO, long time no write, I know I'm a horrible blogger, but to tell you the truth, my life has been pretty uneventful, I mean don't get me wrong I have been enjoying life, but there hasnt been much to write, I mean bore you with… SO my pregnancy is going, and has been going fantastic, really I havn't complained yet (besides those vominous, is that a word, first three months) I have though, just entered into that stage, where I am very much ready for our little guy to make his grand appearance. We have also found a name! Drum roooooolll… no sorry not going to tell, jsut going to have to bare with us and wait:) Its a name, and we like it.  I am feeling VERY heavy no I mean VERY heavy, I feel like a mix between a very overweight duck, and an obese mouse. Hmmm. I have gained to this day 11 kilos, you do the math, and have a baby with a big head, lord knows what that means! uhg! So this morning we "opened" my cartella (which means my pregnacy chart, I guess) at the hospital where I will be gving birth, which is walking distance away, so if Marco happens to be away, ill just waddle my bum there! Ha, yea right, as if my mother in law would ever let that happen! I am all ready for when lil chubs wants to join us… I have made it VERY clear to just about the whole world, even to people that really couldnt give a sh*t, that I am going to be giving a natural birth, I swear for me there is no other way, I hope to God there will be no emergency funny business, I have already had a serious conversation (in both languages in case he didnt undertand me) with the booger, that he too does not want anything else but a natural birth, so therefore he better cooperate, we will ALL be much happier in the end. Marco totally has my back (which I am a bit surprised) and he said that he will be my epidural, whatever the hell that means, but whatever, Im just glad he'll be by my side the whole time (that I have no doubts, ya know overprotective Italian men, gotta love em:)
I have been doing all, I mean ALL that hippy natural prepartion stuff they tell you will help with the birth and milk supply. Like for example I have been taking this nasty tea, that tastes like rotten indian food (Marcos convinced that the tea is actually to abort the child, god what a terrible sence of humor) but I have quit that, because also I think baby hates it he tends to kick me very hard whenver I drink it… I have also been taking Arnica, and almond milk (no idea what thats for, but at least it tastes decent) flaxseed oil, oh and the list goes on, I'm probably doing too much but f*ck it i just want to be prepared, I NEED to be prepared… I WILL be prepared.
So anyway baby "hmmm" is constatly have a kickboxing jam inside of me which makes just about EVERYTHING very, well, diferent. Sleeping is out of the question, cause I get up about 20 times to pee, but ya know what, I need to get in that mind set of getting up all the time right? Oh now he has the hiccups, another favorite pastime of his, especially when we are doing the relaxation techniques in yoga class, which makes relaxing kind of funny when my stomach keeps popping up and down.
oh yes yoga class. SO fricken fuunnn I love being in a room full of pregnant woman, things never get boring, especially because they are Italian as well, and if you didnt know, Italy and its people are NEVER boring. There is much drama and emotions, but in a very animated funny way, like how one woman comes in ranting that her husband wont have sex with her because he is afraid of "poking" the babies head. I swear.
On that note onto the nursery, which I have before and after pics, oh yeah! And sorry in advance for the crappy quality pictures it was all taken from my macbook, I have no idea how to use Marcos Cannon… bare with me, Ill learn when booger comes. Cheers, and my next post will probably be with baby whos name is not reaveled yet!
a before shot

a during shot

an I have no idea shot

another boring before shot… you get the picture

Marcos mother spent many oh many happy hours on these curtains

the lil bed where baby will be sleeping in our room, when hes still a baby bean